The Most Effective 3-Day Detox Juice Cleanse Recipes

January 21, 2025

Looking for easy detox recipes to help you hit the reset button? My 3-day detox juice cleanse recipes will help you do just that!

Plus, they’re easy to make and are a great way to reboot and recharge your body. All while giving your digestive system a much-needed rest.

This guide will break down the benefits of a juice cleanse and provide you with tips to see your juice cleanse journey all the way through.

Let’s dive in!

A juice cleanse (or juice fast) has abundant health benefits. For starters, they make it easy for the body to expel toxins and acid buildup. It’s also a great way to boost nutrients in your body that you wouldn’t otherwise eat at once.

I like to say it’s very similar to having an IV injected into your bloodstream. Except instead of toxic liquids, with juicing, you get real nutrients straight up.

Replacing processed foods and unhealthy snacks with fresh juices floods your system with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When done consistently, naturally made juices can deliver amazing health benefits.

Here are some of the most valuable health benefits you can expect:

Improved Digestion

Juicing gives your digestive system a rest by removing most of the fiber from fruits and vegetables. Without fiber to break down, your body can focus more on absorbing the nutrients more efficiently. All while redirecting its energy toward healing and repair processes.

With consistency, you can expect improved gut health, better digestion, and relief from bloating or constipation.

Weight Loss

Juice cleansing helps reduce excess calories and makes it easy to lose weight. When you replace calorie-dense meals with nutrient-rich juices, you naturally consume fewer calories while providing your body with essential nutrients.

If your goal is to lose weight, focus on making juices with low-sugar vegetables over fruit-heavy options. For example, celery and cucumber are hydrating and low-calorie, making them excellent for juicing.

Some Juices Have High Sugar Content

Keep in mind that while fruit juices are delicious, some juices have a high sugar content. Consuming large amounts of fruit juice may spike blood sugar levels and hinder weight loss efforts. This can work against the benefits of a juice cleanse.

Increased Energy Levels

Fresh juices from raw veggies and whole foods provide more vitamins and minerals that help boost your energy levels. Unlike processed foods that leave you feeling sluggish, juices are quickly absorbed by the body, delivering an instant energy boost.

This is why so many who are run-down or lack motivation turn to juice cleanses after the holidays. It makes for a natural “pick-me-up!”

Reduced Cravings

By eliminating processed foods and focusing on nutrient-dense juices, a cleanse helps reset your taste buds. All while inspiring you to create healthy eating habits that make it easier to transition to a healthier lifestyle.

It’s a great way to help you kick sugar, caffeine, and processed food cravings to the curb.


One of the primary goals of a juice cleanse is to support the body’s natural detox processes. By consuming juices packed with antioxidants, you help your liver, kidneys, and other organs eliminate toxins more effectively.

At the same time, you allow your body to re-hydrate which is key for optimal body functions. A few ingredients to consider when juicing are:

  • lemon
  • parsley
  • beets

They are some of the most commonly used for their detoxifying properties.

Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Juices rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and leafy greens can help reduce inflammation in the body. A consistent juice cleanse regimen and dietary adjustments can improve joint health, reduce pain, and overall well-being.

How to Prepare Your Body for a Juice Cleanse

Depending on the level of toxicity in your body, jumping straight into a juice cleanse without being fully prepared, can work against you. Proper preparation will ensure you experience a smoother juice cleanse and maximize the benefits.

You’ll also want to get in the right mindset so that you are mentally prepared to see it all the way through.

Below are 4 tips to help you prepare with ease:

Start Early: Reduce the intake of animal products, alcohol, processed foods, caffeine, and sugar 3-5 days before your cleanse. Replace these with lighter meals, such as salads, raw fruit, smoothies, steamed vegetables, and whole grains. It will allow you to prepare your digestive system for the juice cleanse.

This will help minimize withdrawal symptoms like headaches and fatigue, making the cleanse more enjoyable. Think of this period as a pre-cleanse to gradually adjust your body to the upcoming shifts.

I walk you through this step by step in my self-guided 21-day detox program (below) complete with guides and recipes.

21-Day Raw Food Cleanse Meal Plan

Everything you need to get your mind and body in full gear!

Hydrate: Begin drinking fresh squeezed lemon water daily and fresh, raw fruit in the morning before eating anything else. This will help keep you hydrated at the start of each day and kickstart your detox. Proper hydration is crucial for flushing out toxins and keeping your body functioning optimally.

Plan Ahead: A great way to mentally prepare for your cleanse is to write down your daily cleanse schedule and recipes. Take it a step further and add it to your calendar. Knowing what you’ll drink and when can help you stay organized and committed to the process.

Stock Up on Fresh Produce: Make sure you have all the ingredients you need like fresh ginger, raw vegetables, and whole foods. Doing so will help you fully prepare before starting your cleanse.

It will also eliminate the need for last-minute shopping trips while helping you stay focused. This is why making a good shopping list is ideal.

3-Day Juice Cleanse Plan Basics

You might be thinking, that juicing is hard, too complicated, and requires too much effort. But with the right juicer and mindset, it’s not as bad as you might think.

Focus on why you are choosing to do a juice in the first place. Then know it’s an investment in your health. This will make it so much easier.

If you don't invest in your health now, you will have no choice but to invest time in health deterioration later.

Here are 3 tips to help your juice cleanse go smoother:

  1. Juice the raw ingredients fresh at the start of each day or in the evening for the next morning if you can. Drinking fresh juices daily is best for optimal nutrition.

    However, if you’re unable to do that, you can save time by batch-juicing your ingredients for all 3 days. But keep in mind, 3 days is the max for storing freshly made cold-pressed juice. With each day, the juice will lose nutritional value.

  2. I recommend prepping your juices by washing and chopping your ingredients the night before. Including having your juicer out and ready to go.

    This way, when you get up in the morning, the work is already done and all you have to do is juice.

  3. Lastly, plug in your ears with your favorite meditation sounds to get in the flow as you get ready to jumpstart your day with nourishing and delicious juices.

Prepping your ingredients in advance means less stress and time in the kitchen chopping veggies. And more time enjoying your recipes!

Experience the Detox Benefits of Juicing

If you prefer to buy your juice cleanse, this is a perfect option to get clean, organic juices with locally sourced ingredients delivered straight to your doorstep.

Juice Cleanse Plan: Mock Daily Schedule

Creating a structured daily schedule for your juice cleanse can help you stay on track and make the process more manageable. Below is an example schedule to guide you:

  • 7:00 a.m. – Start your day with a soothing and detoxifying drink like freshly squeezed lemon juice in lukewarm distilled water or a hot herb-infused tea to warm your system and prepare your digestion.

  • 8:00 a.m. – Citrus juice for a boost of energy and vitamin C

  • 11:00 a.m. – Pineapple juice to help boost your immune system, support bone health, and promote healing

  • 2:00 p.m. – Beet juice to help support liver detoxification

  • 5:00 p.m. – Green juice for alkalizing, hydrating, and keeping your energy levels up

  • 7:00 p.m. – End your day with a calming hibiscus, lavender, or chamomile tea to relax and promote a restful night’s sleep.

Feel free to adjust the schedule based on your preferences and daily routine. Planning specific times to drink your juices can help you stay consistent and avoid skipping meals. In this case, your juice meals.

Equipment you will require

The star of the show is going to be a good masticating juicer (AKA cold-press or slow juicer) versus a centrifugal juicer. A centrifugal juicer uses a blade which is not ideal for retaining nutritional value.

I know it can be overwhelming when selecting a juicer. Especially when there are many juicers on the market at various price points. However, choosing the best one for yielding the most juice and nutritional value is key.

And once you have your preferred juicer, you’ll be happy juicing all the time!

The Ultimate Juicer Guide for Optimal Nutrition

Learn everything you need to know about the different types of juicers and how to pick the right one for you.

I started out with a vertical juicer years ago and then moved on to a horizontal juicer by Omega – similar to this one. The Omega worked great and I loved that it was easier to clean.

It’s one I highly recommend if you’re looking for an affordable, middle-of-the-road cold-press juicer. The downside is that it has a small chute and it takes longer to push ingredients through.

I now have a Nama J2 juicer and I love it. It’s similar to a Hurom which is also a great option.

Other than a juicer, you’ll also need:

  • A good cutting board
  • Chef’s knife
  • Airtight mason jar
  • Storage containers for refrigerating prepped ingredients

3-Day Detox Juice Cleanse Recipes

The juice recipes you will need for this juice cleanse are listed below with a serving size of 1-2 each. To maximize the juice amount, consider adding in more cucumbers. For the citrus juice, you can add more oranges.

Citrus Immune Booster

This juice can be made using a citrus juicer if you have one. Otherwise, you can just use your cold press juicer but you will need to peel them first. Furthermore, you can juice a whole bag of oranges to make orange juice for an easy additional juice option.


  • 1 large grapefruit
  • 4 large oranges (naval, blood, or cara cara)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 cucumber (optional if using a veggie juicer)


  1. Wash and peel the grapefruit, oranges, lemon, and lime.
  2. Cut in half if using a citrus juicer. Otherwise, cut according to your juicer requirements.
  3. Juice all ingredients, pour them into your mason jars, and refrigerate what you are not going to drink right away.

Benefits: This juice is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar, promote weight loss, and boost the immune system.

Pineapple Glow Juice

This juice can be made using a citrus juicer if you have one. Otherwise, you can just use your cold press juicer but you will need to peel them first. Furthermore, you can juice a whole bag of oranges to make orange juice for an easy additional juice option.


  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • 1 bunch of mint
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lime
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of turmeric root


  1. Wash and peel the pineapple, turmeric, and lime.
  2. Cut up all ingredients according to your juicer requirements.
  3. Juice and enjoy! Store in mason jars for no more than 3 days.

Benefits: This juice is packed with vitamin A and antioxidants that boost skin health, support digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Liver Cleansing Beet Juice


  • 1 medium-sized beet
  • 1 cucumber
  • 5 carrots
  • 2 apples


  1. Wash and peel the beet and carrots.
  2. Cut fruit and veggies according to your juicer.
  3. Juice and refrigerate what you don’t drink right away.

Benefits: Beets and carrots are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene. Together they make a perfect combination for cancer prevention, skin, eye, and liver health. This vibrant juice is also perfect for circulation and naturally boosting your energy reserves.

Green Detox Juice


  • 1 bunch of dandelion greens
  • 1 small bunch of parsley
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 lemon (peeled)


  1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Cut the cucumber, celery, and apples into smaller pieces.
  3. Juice all ingredients, pour into mason jars, and store them in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Benefits: Green juices are hydrating and packed with essential nutrients. Parsley acts as a natural diuretic, while cucumbers keep you hydrated with their high water content. The lemon neutralizes the bitterness and adds a dose of vitamin C.

Carrot Juice Blend


  • 5 large carrots
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 golden beet
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of turmeric


  1. Wash and peel all ingredients.
  2. Cut according to your juicer.
  3. Juice, pour into mason jars, and store in the fridge.

Benefits: This blend is high in vitamin C from the oranges and beta-carotene from the carrots. The beet is also high in vitamin C and boosts heart health, immunity, and bone health.

During the 3-Day Juice Cleanse 

If this is your first cleanse, engaging in mindfulness activities will help keep you focused. These activities may include yoga, meditation, and light exercise like walking. They will shift your mind off of snacking and onto your mindful practice.

However, if you get hungry and can’t hold back, eat fresh raw fruits and veggies. And if for any reason you feel the need to stop the cleanse, start by reintroducing whole fresh foods back into your diet. 

After the 3-Day Juice Cleanse 

Congratulations on reaching the finish line! Now what? No worries, I’ve got you.

Once you’ve reached the end of your juice cleanse, gradually reintroduce solid foods back into your diet. Start by adding smoothies, fresh fruits, and other soft foods like oatmeal, or soups. You can even add in salads. 

And don’t forget to hydrate. Hydration is an important part of the post-cleanse process.

You can stay hydrated by drinking lemon water, herbal tea, or coconut water. Coconut water is high in electrolytes so it’s a great source for hydration. 

As you move forward, proceed with intention and be conscious of what you put in your body. Keep in mind that what goes in, must come out. In other words, garbage in, garbage out; health in, health out. 

What you fuel your body with will determine the level of health you create over time. 

Feel free to do this juice cleanse as often as you’d like or need to get back on the right track. Listen to what your body tells you and guide yourself by that. 

But remember, a cleanse will only go so far. Shifting to a predominantly raw, vegan, plant-based diet is ideally the best way to go – for health, the planet, and the animals. 

Cheers, and happy juicing! 

FAQs About a Detox Juice Cleanse

How much weight can you lose in 3 days of juicing?
Weight loss results vary but can range between 3-8 pounds. However, this is more so from water weight, decreased bloating, and the elimination of accumulated waste. 

To lose excess fat, and keep it off, a shift in diet and lifestyle habits is essential. 

Is 3 days enough for a juice cleanse?
A 3-day juice cleanse is a good jumpstart if you’ve never done a cleanse before. It helps to reduce bloating and get things moving in eliminating toxins and acid buildup. 

What can you eat on a 3-day juice cleanse?
Essentially a juice cleanse is only for drinking juices but can also include distilled water and tea. If hunger kicks in and you feel the absolute need to eat, you can eat organic raw fruits and vegetables. 

21-Day Raw Food Cleanse Meal Plan

Want to keep the momentum going? Take it a step further with my 21-day cleanse program. It has everything you need to get your mind and body in full gear!
Picture of Sandra Campillo

Sandra Campillo

Sandra Campillo is certified holistic nutritionist and an eco, vegan lifestyle blogger. Join Sandra and her community of readers on to learn how to live a healthier, more sustainable, and compassionate way of life.

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Sandra Campillo
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